

Thursday, March 13, 2014

2fly's construction is underway

Many months of waiting and planning have past. In February I visited Yellowfin to finalize the build sheet. Shortly after that, our Yellowfin 24 Bay went into the mold and 2fly was born.  Yellowfin is very good at keeping the customer engaged throughout the process. They provided me with some photos of the boat shortly after she came out of the mold.

Shot #1 is taken from the bow. The guy working on the boat is sitting inside the bow storage compartment.  On the left side of the hull you can see the where the three rod tubes will be installed.  He's installing a tube on the right. His feet are down inside the trolling motor battery compartment. A bank of three batteries sits down there-- out of the way and low center of gravity.  You can see some of the stringer system in the hull.  Interior of the storage compartment is a very light gray.  Also of interest, the hull next to mine on the left shows the seacocks and through hulls in the stern for the livewell plumbing.  In the background you can see the deck of a 24 waiting for installation. Could be mine?

Installation of the bow storage into the hull
Shot #2 is centered on what will be the sole of the cockpit just in front of the leaning post.   On the left is the bow storage area. Top you can see one of the rod tubes.  The stringer in this area is fully visible.  There are two aluminum tanks. The one of the left (forward) is the freshwater tank. The one on the right is fuel.  You can see how they foam the fuel tank in.  If I recall the fresh water capacity is 17 gallons, and fuel is 77.

Freshwater and fuel tanks
Shot #3 shows the bilge from the stern. Now you can see the entire fuel tank, which will be under the console.  The black hose is the fuel line. You can see the seacocks and through-hulls for the livewells and raw washdown sitting on the stern, not yet installed.  This is a great view of the stringer system. The iPhone is an optional accessory. ;)

Bilge from the stern

Shot #4 shows the hull. Not a great photo, but it's blue!  You can just see a bit of white peaking out at the stern where the engine bracket overhangs the running surface. You can see how they move the boats around on dollys.  Sitting on the ground is the Power Pole, still in box.   

It's very excited to see the boat coming together. The build process makes the anticipation even greater.
The closer we get to delivery, the longer the remaining wait seems. Time compresses and shifts.  All in the buildup to our delivery in April and the spring run of striped bass.

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